April 03, 2006

Recent Trips

In February I was in Thailand for two weeks (which I have written about below) and also spent a few days in Warsaw Poland for work. I will write about Warsaw in the next few days.

I just got back from spending a week in the UK. I spent a couple of days in London and then went to Wales for a meeting. The weather was typical English dark and cloudy with showers that came and went during the day. I do like London, but don't think I will even really explore the UK country side on a holiday trip. Very green and expansive, but other than Stonehenge and a few Castles spread throughout the countryside, there is really not much to see. The hotel I stayed at was over 900 years old. It used to be a large manor house with a small church in the front. Sorry you can't see the Church it is located just right of the main building in the picture. The church is still active and used. The main reason people visit the hotel is for golf. I think after a round or two of golf I would be bored.

I did notice something new in London on this trip. Every time I approached a crosswalk, the cars would stop to let me cross. One time I was looking up at the US embassy and did not even notice that traffic had stopped to let me cross; very polite those Londoners. Try waiting at a cross walk in most large US cities and you might wait all day. haha..

I do get a nice break for the Month of April, but May will be a big month for trips. I will spend one week helping to facilitate a meeting just south of Monaco! From there I will go to Beijing for a few days to see the sights (great wall, Forbidden City) and then to Tianjin for a meeting. Next up is Hong Kong for a day before coming home. The whole trip is two weeks and will actually take me around the world! So look for some new posts during the Month of May.



Stacie Bristow said...

Not much to see in the English countryside?? You're not looking in the right places, mate! There's tons to do and see here, and the kids and I are still loving our experience of living here and finding a different town/village to visit nearly every weekend! When you come back in the fall, we'll have to take time to show you the gorgeous views outside of London! Take care, Stace

Greg said...

Hey Stacie, Yes lots of towns and villages and yes it is all very pretty, but I guess I am more of an urban city guy. Roaming the country side only can hold my interests for so long. I like to see that kind of stuff on the way to some cool city or warm beach. Each to their own.