March 24, 2006

New Map Feature

First music, then video and now a world map with pins! I found an easy to use resource that has allowed me to setup up a quick link to a map that shows all the places I have been able to visit. Each little house pin is a place I have been lucky enough to visit. I will go in soon and add red pins for places that I plan to visit this year.

You can zoom on the map and left mouse grab and just drag to move around.

Let me know what you think.



March 17, 2006

Video Clips Now Available

Ok - I finally found a way to share small video clips from my travels. It is nice that my digital camera actually took a few of those clips. Very small and easy way for me to take some quick video to share.

You will find a link to the video clip page on the right. The clips are not in order and the page is rough, but they do play well.

I will at some point move that mp3 player to separate music page. Once I get that done I will upload more songs and create different playlist for different types of music.

Uh.....errr.... yes I am behind in my travel post. I have a few to write and will get them up soon!



March 11, 2006


I did make it to Aruba for a few days in late January for work. What a pain it is to get there from the west coast. I had to fly a red eye to Chicago and then connect at 6am to a flight bound for Aruba. Aruba like most of the islands in the Caribbean thrives on tourism from the eastern seabord. Most west coast folks just fly west to Hawaii for island sun. However, I prefer to tough out the extra hours on a plane and make my way to Fiji, Bali, or Thailand.

That said here are a few thoughts on Aruba as a destination. If you are all about sun, beach, water sports and gambling, then Aruba is your kind of destination. I can only sit on a beach so long, and need an urban city nearby with vibrant night life. Unfortunately Aruba shuts down by 10pm unless you are inside a casino - boooring. The weather was windy the entire time I was there, but the locals told me the wind helps keep the climate cool. The wind does make for great wind surfing and I am told that Aruba is one of the best places in the world to wind surf. They did have a lot of beginners out on the water as well as people using large kites to speed across the water on their boards.

I managed to get one afternoon to soak up some sun, but typical Aruba weather got the best of me. The sun is out, it is gone, the rain comes for 15 min, then the sun comes out. This process repeated all day while I was there. So if you are outside all day you will get nice sun, but there is no guarantee if you just hit the beach for a few hours.

How do you like the view from my room?