September 09, 2006

Monaco May 2006

Darn my luck! I had the great opportunity to actually be in Monaco for 5 days in May, but alas I worked the whole time and only managed to spend a small amount of time exploring the city. My visit was about two weeks prior to the Grand Prix and if you look closely in the picture pos ted you will see the seating that has been put of for the event.

Did you know that the Principality of Monaco is the second-smallest independent state in the world, after Vatican City? For most, Monaco brings to mind images of; Grace Kelly, the sophisticate jet set playing in the sun, casinos, and maybe even the Monaco Grand Prix. Well the city does not disappoint and I think I will have to find a way to spend some true vacation time on the French Rivera as weather is perfect, the beaches are beautiful, the shopping is great (but expensive) and yes the night life is lively!