August 27, 2005

Big Brands & When not to visit Prague

I am very happy to say that for the most part big brands have not overrun Prague. The one exception to this is McDonalds. There are more McDonalds here than in San Francisco! The McDonalds here give you something that looks like mayonnaise to use with your fries. The ingredients are mustard, herbs, and who knows what. Although it looks like mayo, has the consistency of mayo, it does not taste exactly like mayo. Either way I decided that I don’t like it.

When shopping in the city center you do not see much in the way of globalized brands. I find this very refreshing. Last year while in Singapore, I woke up and went looking for my morning espresso fix. Across the street I found McDonalds, on the opposite corner there was a Borders books, next to a Starbucks – did I even leave America? When shopping in Singapore you have to ask, what’s the point? You don’t travel half way around the world to soak up local culture and end up buying soap in a Body Shop.

For those of you that know San Francisco you will appreciate this next comment. Being in the city center of Prague in August is like hanging out at Fisherman’s wharf during high season! This city is so quant, but there are WAY too many people milling about. I would rather come here in a shoulder season when the weather is a little suspect and feel like I have the city to myself. If you don’t like crowds, don’t come in August! Once I get some more pictures up you will see what I mean.


Anonymous said...

They serve that same sauce in France...I's a bit strange, and I just don't care for it! ~ Stace

Anonymous said...

You see only bad sides of Prague But Prague means for me a city for just hanging out in old streets, especially in the evenings, when the street lamps light romantic through narrow streets. I have been to many cities and capitals, but Prague is special somehow - it has the typical atmosphere -block of flats everywhere, typical trams, different architecture styles and people usually mind their own business, don’t care about others, but when start to talk to someone, they are really nice.